Meet Wendy Roman
1) What is your favorite way to move your body these days, and why?
I love to move my body freely and consciously in dance. I love being invited to dance in my own way, with my own expression of what I am experiencing in the moment. The dance floor becomes the place where I can really drop into my body, and the dance becomes a moving meditation where I can practice present moment awareness.
2) Tell us about one of your superpowers…..
I have always been deeply connected to music, growing up in a home where my father was a jazz musician. As a teenager I was an avid collector of vinyl, then eventually CD's. My living room is filled with albums! One of my superpowers is my ability to identify songs and artists, and create wickedly awesome playlists for dancing!
3) Who inspires you by the way they move?
I am inspired by Michael Molin-Skelton of Spirit Weaves. I first met Michael in the Soul Motion Leadership Training. It is a true gift to be in his presence. His dance is filled with a deep sense of the sacred. He moves with soulful grace and beauty. The long flowing fabrics that he wears to dance accentuate his movement with swish and swirl. Pause and flow. It is a real delight to witness Michael on the dance floor!